Labels:daily | earth | encyclical | fence | grandstand | grass | railing | road | rock | sky | stairs OCR: ur salvation. He visited me every him concerning the things which SEM nearly twe lve mon ths morning while I staved with spel was the delightful theme of after recovery and the G our conversstion. a0 except what misht be expected No trial has hefallen ne 31 deed, has changed his battery. in of wartare. Satan gratification was the wespon with Before my conversion Je1su Being naturally of a1l easy quiet which he sought to destroy ted to anger: yet it is that passion disposition, w8s seldom tem listur hance and occasions the which now gives ile the most ing ITy strength 1 against it, sharpest con flicts But Jesus not overcoe and if I no congue visitec ever concernins nearl might state weapon 3e113 eing nsturally soudht destror position listurbance occas ions fight esus